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Coping With Court

Suggested reading for plaintiffs, defendants, and families

Going to court can be stressful for those involved in divorce matters, criminal cases, or other legal proceedings. The following books from the Columbus Metropolitan Library can help provide guidance and support to plaintiffs, defendants, and their families.

Divorce, Dissolution & Custody

Noto’s Essential Guide to Divorce
Emily Doskow
Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce shows Readers how to avoid conflict and navigate a divorce with as much dignity and as little difficulty as possible, helping to preserve long-term relations

Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After
Katherine Woodward Thomas
A licensed psychotherapist outlines a five-step plan to ending a failing relationship with minimal damage by practicing goodwill, generosity, and respect.

When Parents Part: How Mothers and Fathers Can Help their Children Deal with Separation and Divorce
Penelope Leach
The latest scientific research is analyzed to Discuss the various effects of divorce on children in the five stages of life, providing practical advice and helping parents to do what is best for their children as they are going through a separation or divorce.

FOR KIDS: When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends
Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
J 306.89
A simple explanation of divorce reassures youngsters that they are not responsible for their parents breaking up and that their parents still love them even though they no longer live together.

Criminal Litigation & Incarceration

Arrest-Proof Yourself
Learn how to steer clear of the criminal justice system and keep yourself on the right side of the law.

The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System
Paul Bergman
This book provides an overview of the criminal justice system for non-lawyers, the general public, and those dealing with legal issues.

Beyond Bars: Rejoining Society After Prison
Jeffrey Ian Ross
This guide assists ex-convicts in making a successful return to society by cleaning up their lives, finding jobs, and staying out of prison.

Obtaining a Criminal Pardon: Clear Your Name Legally
Christopher Guly
This is step-by-step guide to clear your name legally and restore your reputation.

FOR KIDS: The Night Dad Went to Jail: What to Expect When Someone You Love Goes to Jail
Melissa Higgins
J 362.8295
This child-friendly guide helps young readers deal with the impact of the arrest and imprisonment of a family member.

Juvenile Crime & Traffic

When Kids Get Arrested: What Every Adult Should Know
Sandra Simkins
When Kids Get Arrested is a perfect resource for parents, teachers, and others looking for information on topics such as juvenile police interrogation, detention hearings, bail, and state-by-state specifics.

Not So Fast: Parenting Your Teen through the Dangers of Driving
Tim Hollister
Written by a father who lost his teenage son in a car crash, this book offers a unique approach for teen drivers and their parents to help prevent dangerous driving situations.

Financial & Mental Health

Solve Your Money Troubles: Strategies to Get Out of Debt and Stay That Way
Cara O’Neill
This comprehensive guide covers a broad range of topic and strategies so readers can tackle all of their financial problems at once while choosing Tactics that work best in specific situations.

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
David D. Burns, M.D.
This drug-free guide to curing anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other depressive disorders uses scientifically tested methods to improve mood and stave off the blues.

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