Traffic Law Case Results
Third Speed in a Two Year Period Case/Withdrawal of Guilty Plea
Company employee required to drive company vehicle to various parts of Ohio. Corporation prohibited any employee to have three moving violations in a two-year period. Client received a third speeding ticket and paid it. Attorney filed a Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea and negotiated a resolution that would remove the third speeding ticket from Client’s record.
CDL Driver Improperly Charged with Reckless Operation
CDL defendant received ticket for Reckless Operation and permit violation. Reckless Operation (M4) is a serious violation for CDL driver. Attorney argued that the driver was not engaged in reckless driving and his actions did not rise to the level of activity required by the statute. Attorney negotiated a dismissal of the Reckless Operation charge with a plea to the non-moving permit violation.
OVI/Physical Control/Accident
Defendant charged with Operation of Motor Vehicle while Impaired and Refusal of a Breathalyzer Test. The OVI carries 6 points. Attorney argued Defendant did not refuse test due to head injuries sustained during the accident and she in fact requested to first speak with an attorney before submitting to a test in the hospital. Client resolved case with Physical Control, a 0 point violation and reduction of OVI.
High Speed Case
Client charged with speeding, 90 miles in a 65. Due to the Client’s good record, speed was reduced to a 0 point speed.
State v. M.J.
CDL Driver in Franklin County charged with speeding 68/50. In Ohio, more than 15 miles over is considered a major violation for a truck driver. Prosecutor agreed to reduce the speed to less than five miles over so there are no points and it is no longer a major violation.
State v. C.B.
Client was charged with excessive speeding and recklessly driving/weaving on Interstate 315. Client was late for work but did not believe he was speeding at the rate clocked by the officer. Attorney Helmbrecht negotiated a plea where the weaving/reckless driving was dismissed and the speed was reduced to a zero point speed.
State v. E.C.
Client was charged with speeding in Delaware County. Client has a CDL but was in his personal vehicle. Since it was a high rate of speed, there were two points and the client’s employer would terminate his employment if he received more than 2 violations in a 3 year period. Attorney Helmbrecht negotiated a plea to a zero point speed.
State v. R.C.
CDL driver charged with Hit/Skip Leaving the Scene of an Accident on Private Property. Attorney Helmbrecht reviewed the case in Licking County and was able to get the client into a traffic diversion program offered to defendants charged with a violation higher than a minor misdemeanor. If client successfully completes the program, the charges will be dismissed.
State v. A.G.
Client paid a ticket in the Chillicothe Municipal Court in March of 2017 without appearing in court. Attorney Helmbrecht filed a motion to withdraw the plea in May of 2018 due to client’s employment. Client could not have many points on his license because he drove a company vehicle. The case resolved with the plea withdrawn and the points were removed.
State v. A.M.
Client had a high rate of speeding ticket and did not have a valid driver’s license due to BMV suspensions. The client did not have insurance either. The case was in Washington Courthouse, Ohio. Attorney Helmbrecht negotiated a deal where the client would complete a driver’s intervention course and the case would be dismissed. Since the case was dismissed, it was never reported to the BMV that the client did not have insurance at the time of the stop. Therefore, the client did not have a BMV suspension for not having insurance and was able to drive.
State v. D.C.
Client appeared at the court trial in Franklin County Municipal Court in 2017 and plead guilty to Reckless Operation which is a 4 point violation. These 4 points caused his insurance to increase and he was not able to afford insurance. Attorney Helmbrecht withdrew the plea on the basis that he did not understand the ramifications of entering a guilty plea without having counsel. The plea was withdrawn and the case was dismissed.
State v. S.A.
Client involved in an at-fault accident. Attorney assisted client in court with a dismissal.
State v. F.C.
Client failed to appear for court in speeding ticket with an active warrant when Attorney did not represent client. Client hired Attorney. Within two days, case was reduced to equipment violation with warrant terminated.
In re: PC
Case against parent for neglect/dependency. Attorney represented Mother. Case dismissed with custody to Mother.
P v. P
Client represented Mother in divorce case. Father threatened to take custody from Mother. Attorney assisted Mother in obtaining shared parenting with superb parenting schedule that accommodated all parties.
McV v. McV
Difficult out of county divorce case. Very contested divorce with complicated financial and custody issues. Attorney assisted Wife in obtaining an excellent parenting schedule and a division of assets/debts which she was happy about. Parties did not want trial so the attorneys negotiated by settlement instead of litigation.
JM vs. KM
Contested divorce where parties had complicated issues surrounding the marital home. Attorney Helmbrecht devised a term in the divorce decree where the parties could keep the children in the marital home and later determine the equity split. Case was headed for trial but Attorney Helmbrecht negotiated several terms for the divorce decree that ultimately ended in a better result for her client.
State vs. A.I.
CDL driver in an accident where he struck telephone lines to avoid an accident. Attorney Helmbrecht argued for a dismissal, case dismissed.
State vs. J.G.
Out of state CDL driver where anything above 5 miles over would cause termination of his employment. Attorney Helmbrecht negotiated the case down to a zero point speed with 5 miles over the limit.
State v. P.
Canadian driver charged with carrying Hazardous Waste within 270. Attorney Helmbrecht negotiated the case down to a minor misdemeanor from a misdemeanor of the 1st degree as the higher level of misdemeanor would cause problems with crossing the Canadian/US border.
KB vs. BB
Dissolution case where parties worked with each attorney for a swift resolution of their case. Attorney Helmbrecht understood her client’s desires to effectively resolve the case in a competent and efficient manner. Case closed in less than six months.
City of Lima v. S.S.
Client charged with speeding with 2 points potentially on record and $150.00 fine. Client is a Commercial Driver (CDL) and job is on the line if convicted with points. Attorney negotiated a resolution of zero points offense.
City of Columbus v. S.G.
Client charged with Driving Without a Valid License (a Misdemeanor of the 1st Degree) and Driving without Insurance (a Misdemeanor of the 1st Degree) with maximum fines of $1000.00 and 180 days in jail. Attorney fought to get the case dismissed.
City of Columbus v. J.P.
CDL client charged with speeding. Client would lose his job if convicted with points. Attorney fought to get client accepted into diversion and case dismissed.
City of Delaware v. A.A.
CDL client charged with Right of Way when Turning Left which resulted in an accident. This is a 2 point violation and $150 maximum fine. Attorney fought to get the client’s case dismissed, with the client taking an online driving class and paying court costs.
M v. M
Highly contested divorce case where Attorney represented Wife in a long-term marriage. Attorney assisted client in reaching an amicable resolution which resulted in settlement without litigation.
S v. S
Dissolution case where Attorney assisted clients in resolving all issues involving marital debt and assets. Client wanted to resolve the case quickly and efficiently, and the Attorney assisted her in reaching a resolution without trial.
State v. A.W.
Client charged with 32 counts of felony theft of the fifth degree. A felony of the fifth degree is punishable by six-12 months in prison but has a presumption of community control with a maximum fine of $2,500. Case dismissed after attorney Helmbrecht negotiated a resolution.
State v. P.A.
Client charged with assault and domestic violence, both first-degree misdemeanors. Client faced jail time up to 180 days for each offense, probation and a $1,000 fine. Client also had serious deportation issues, if convicted of either offense. Attorney Helmbrecht resolved the case with a reduction to a minor misdemeanor disorderly conduct.
State v. S.G.
Client charged with speeding at 87 mph in a 70 mph zone and was concerned a conviction would impact her driving record. The charge was punishable with a maximum fine of $150, but would place two points on her driving record. Attorney Helmbrecht obtained a not guilty verdict at trial when the court found reasonable doubt with the prosecution’s evidence.
K. v. L.
Child custody case involving unmarried parents. Attorney Helmbrecht helped the father obtain equal parenting rights and become the school placement parent.
State v. T.K.
Client charged with speeding in a construction zone, 67 mph in a 45 mph zone. This offense has two points and a heightened fine due to the construction zone. Attorney Helmbrecht fought the case and obtained a resolution that did not result in any points for the client.